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RYZE Mushroom Coffee Reviews – From the Tastebuds of Customers

RYZE Mushroom Coffee has received consistently positive reviews from users, with many raving about its unique flavor profile and health benefits.
ryze mushroom coffee

RYZE Mushroom Coffee, a unique blend of premium coffee and functional mushrooms, has gained popularity among coffee enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals.

This innovative coffee aims to provide not only a tasty and energizing beverage but also potential health benefits associated with mushrooms.

To get an accurate sense of this product’s performance, we have compiled and summarized real reviews from users who have tried RYZE Mushroom Coffee.

RYZE Mushroom Coffee Reviews

Positive Reviews

RYZE mushroom coffee has received positive reviews, with customers praising its delicious taste, creamy texture, and as a healthy alternative to regular coffee.


Many users rave about the taste and flavor of RYZE Mushroom Coffee. They describe it as smooth, rich, and balanced.

One reviewer mentioned that it tastes like regular gourmet coffee, with no apparent mushroom flavor.

Another praised the overall experience, stating that it was a delicious way to start the day.

The general consensus among reviewers is that RYZE Mushroom Coffee is a pleasant and enjoyable alternative to traditional coffee.

Energizing Effects

In terms of its energizing effects, users appreciate that RYZE Mushroom Coffee provides a clean and sustained energy boost without the jitters or crash commonly associated with regular coffee.

They find that it offers a gentle and steady increase in alertness and focus throughout the day.

Reviewers note that they feel more productive, clear-headed, and motivated after consuming RYZE Mushroom Coffee.

It appears that the coffee-mushroom blend synergistically enhances cognitive function and provides a steady stream of energy rather than a sudden rush.

Health Benefits

One significant advantage highlighted by users is the potential health benefits associated with the functional mushrooms present in RYZE Mushroom Coffee.

Reishi, lion’s mane, and cordyceps mushrooms are used in the blend, each having its unique properties.

Reviewers report improved mental clarity, reduced brain fog, and enhanced memory and concentration after regular consumption.

Others mention a boost in their immune system, increased vitality, and reduced stress levels.

Several reviewers appreciate that this coffee is not only delicious but also acts as a natural supplement for overall well-being.


Additionally, users emphasize the convenience and ease of incorporating RYZE Mushroom Coffee into their daily routine.

Reviewers love the fact that it can be brewed just like regular coffee, using their preferred brewing method.

Some users found it particularly convenient for on-the-go consumption, as it comes in single-serve packets.

This quality makes it an ideal option for busy individuals who want a nutritious and energy-boosting drink without the hassle.

Cravings & Bloating

A noteworthy feature of this coffee is its potential to reduce cravings and bloating.

For individuals following a vegetarian diet, finding appropriate options that align with their dietary preferences can be difficult.

However, this coffee is useful in that regard as its composition can be conducive in diminishing cravings, which might help maintain a plant-based diet.

Moreover, the mild nature of the coffee has at times been able to ease bloating, giving a feeling of lightness and energy throughout the day.

Transparency & Quality

Moreover, many users appreciate the transparency and quality of the ingredients used in RYZE Mushroom Coffee.

The coffee is crafted using 100% Arabica beans sourced from sustainable and ethical coffee farms.

Reviewers appreciate the organic and fair-trade certifications, highlighting the brand’s commitment to high product standards.

They also like that the mushrooms used are of premium quality and rigorously tested for purity and potency.

Negative Reviews

Despite the overwhelmingly positive reviews, a few users mentioned some minor drawbacks.

Higher Price

For some, the price point of RYZE Mushroom Coffee was slightly higher compared to regular coffee.

However, most felt that the extra cost was justified considering the quality of ingredients and potential health benefits.

Minimal Effects

Others commented that they did not experience dramatic effects and had to consume it consistently for a prolonged period to notice subtle improvements.

Personal Taste Preference

Lastly, while the company has crafted a coffee that is highly regarded by many, unfortunately, it does not resonate with everyone’s particular taste for mushrooms.

However, it is important to note that taste preferences are subjective, and what may not appeal to one person could be a delicacy for another.

Therefore, while this aspect may not have aligned with some customers’ personal preferences, it should not discourage others from giving this coffee a try.

Overall Sentiment: Positive

In conclusion, RYZE Mushroom Coffee has received substantial praise from reviewers for its taste, energizing effects, potential health benefits, and convenience.

Users appreciate the delicious flavor, clean energy boost, and focus-enhancing properties of the coffee-mushroom blend.

The functional mushrooms used in the coffee have been associated with various cognitive and immune benefits.

The transparency and quality of ingredients are highly regarded by users.

While a few mention the higher price point and the need for consistent consumption, overall, RYZE Coffee seems to have won over many coffee enthusiasts looking for a healthier and more functional alternative to their daily brew.

Where Can I Buy RYZE Mushroom Coffee?

RYZE mushroom coffee can be purchased directly from their official website, ryzesuperfoods.com, where you can explore their wide range of mushroom coffee blends and select the one that suits your taste.

Additionally, RYZE Superfoods products are also available on various online platforms such as Amazon (currently unavailable) and select retail stores, making it convenient for customers to find and purchase their preferred blend.

Whether you prefer the convenience of online shopping or the option of browsing in-store, RYZE mushroom coffee is readily accessible for your enjoyment and overall well-being.

30 servings on ryzesuperfoods.com is priced at $30 dollars ($1 per serving) and the 60 servings starter kit with a handmade acacia spoon is priced at $55 ($0.92 per serving).

Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and Alex the receptionist is available 24/7 to help you get a full refund on your order if you’re not satisfied with your purchase.

RYZE Mushroom Coffee

  • Delicious Taste
  • Nutrient-rich
  • Energizing effects

Ingredients in RYZE Mushroom Coffee

RYZE Organic Mushroom Blend (2000mg)


Cordyceps was first discovered over 2000 years ago in the high Himalayan plateaus, and it is known to boost oxygenation, promote energy sustainability, and aid in rapid recovery.

With its powerful benefits, Cordyceps can help unleash your inner athlete and give you the energy and endurance you need.

  • potent antioxidant
  • improves physical stamina
  • reduces fatigue
  • alleviates asthma & bronchitis


Known as “the mushroom of immortality,” this versatile superfood has been valued in eastern medicine for centuries. It is highly regarded for its ability to enhance mood, reduce anxiety, and promote overall well-being.

With its stress-relieving properties and the ability to promote peaceful sleep, this remarkable superfood is here to provide you with relaxation and ensure a restful night’s sleep.

  • promotes liver health
  • thwarts tumor development
  • reduces stress
  • encourages restful sleep

King Trumpet

Packed with essential amino acids and powerful antioxidants, King Trumpet mushroom offers abundant healing benefits as an immunity elixir.

Recognized for its remarkable ability to fight inflammation and strengthen the immune system, this mushroom is here to provide you with a natural boost in immunity and support your overall well-being.

  • fights inflammation
  • prevents against heart attack & stroke
  • reduces high cholesterol
  • antioxidant rich


While Shiitake mushrooms are commonly enjoyed in various cuisines, they have also been highly treasured in eastern medicine for their medicinal properties.

Acting as a powerful supplement, Shiitake mushrooms are known to help ward off viruses and reduce inflammation.

With its infection-fighting abilities, Shiitake mushrooms are here to help keep you healthy and free from infections.

  • anti-viral
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-tumor
  • improves bone density
  • wards off the flu

Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane mushroom has a long history of use by Buddhist monks, who relied on it extensively to improve their focus and purpose during intense periods of study and meditation.

Today, Lion’s Mane is available to everyone seeking calm and razor-sharp focus.

With its unique properties, this mushroom is here to help you achieve a state of tranquility while enhancing your mental clarity and concentration.

  • enhances memory
  • improves focus & concentration
  • stimulates neuron growth

Turkey Tail

With its striking striped appearance, Turkey Tail mushroom grabs attention, but it’s the remarkable anti-microbial properties that make it a valuable inclusion in our routine.

This mushroom is known for its ability to protect the digestive system, promoting a healthy gut and optimal digestion.

Let Turkey Tail be your ally in maintaining digestive wellness and safeguarding your overall gut health.

  • guardian of the gut
  • fights cancer
  • relieves chronic fatigue symptoms

Other Ingredients

Organic MCT Oil

Organic MCT Oil provides a quick source of energy and promotes mental clarity.

Additionally, it supports weight management and enhances ketone production for those following a ketogenic diet.

  • mental clarity enhancer
  • metabolism booster & ketone producer

Organic Arabica Coffee

Organic Arabica Coffee offers a smooth and rich flavor profile with pleasant acidity, providing an enjoyable coffee drinking experience.

It contains higher levels of antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of certain diseases.

  • Smooth taste & rich aroma
  • Sustainable sourcing

Features of RYZE Mushroom Coffee

  • Keto
  • Paleo friendly
  • Vegan
  • Non-gmo
  • No sugar
  • Gluten free
  • Dairy free
  • Soy free
  • Organic ingredients

How to Make RYZE Mushroom Coffee

Step 1

Add RYZE to mug (1 tablespoon)

Step 2

Add 8-10oz hot OR cold water.

Step 3

Stir. Add creamer or sweetener if desired.

Step 4

Sip on the magic.

Whole Mushrooms Versus Mushroom Extracts

RYZE coffee is made from whole mushrooms that are ground into a powder form.

This method is similar to how brands like MUD/WTR and Om Mushroom Superfood prepare their mushroom products.

However, there is a distinction to be made – some other brands, such as Pure Shrooms, Wunderground, and Sacred 7, utilize powdered extracts instead.

Now, you might be wondering what exactly sets these two approaches apart.

Whole Mushrooms

Whole-mushroom powders use the entire fruiting body of a mushroom, meaning the cap, gills, and stem.

The entire mushroom is ground into a powder form without an extraction process.

Whole-mushroom powders contain all the bioactive compounds and nutrients found in mushrooms, including polysaccharides, beta-glucans, triterpenoids, and ergothioneine.

They also contain dietary fiber and are easy to mix into food and beverages.

As a result, whole-mushroom powders are a great option for overall health benefits, such as boosting the immune system, promoting healthy digestion, and providing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Mushroom Extracts

Mushroom extracts are made by extracting specific bioactive compounds from mushrooms, such as beta-glucans or triterpenoids.

The extraction process typically yields high concentrations of these beneficial compounds, making them more powerful than found in whole-mushroom powders.

Some types of mushroom extracts may also contain other active compounds, such as mycelium, spores, and culture media, which may be beneficial to different health goals.

Mushroom extract supplements are usually in capsule form and are more potent and convenient than whole-mushroom powders, making them a good choice for individuals with specific health concerns or conditions.

Potential Downsides to RYZE Mushroom Coffee

RYZE Mushroom Coffee has gained popularity due to its unique blend of coffee and mushrooms, but it’s important to consider some potential downsides.

One downside is that the taste might not appeal to everyone, as the distinct flavor of mushrooms can be an acquired taste.

Additionally, some individuals may experience side effects due to the mushrooms or certain compounds found in them.

It’s always important to assess your own tolerance and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions.

Here are some potential side effects of RYZE.

RYZE Mushroom Coffee Side Effects

While Ryze Mushroom Coffee is generally considered safe for consumption, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects that may occur, especially if you have specific health conditions or sensitivities.

Caffeine Content

One potential side effect of Ryze Mushroom Coffee is its caffeine content.

As a coffee-based product, it contains caffeine, which can cause adverse effects such as restlessness, insomnia, increased heart rate, and jitters in some individuals.

If you are sensitive to caffeine or have underlying health conditions like anxiety, high blood pressure, or heart problems, it is recommended to moderate your consumption or consult with a healthcare professional.

Allergic Reactions

Another side effect to consider is the possible allergic reaction to the mushrooms used in the blend.

While rare, some individuals may be allergic to certain types of mushrooms.

If you have known allergies to mushrooms or fungi, it’s crucial to review the specific mushrooms used in Ryze Mushroom Coffee and avoid it if necessary.

It is also advisable to check the ingredient list for any other potential allergens that you may be sensitive to.

Digestive Issues

Furthermore, some individuals may experience digestive issues or gastrointestinal discomfort after consuming Ryze Mushroom Coffee.

This could be due to the mushrooms’ high fiber content or individual sensitivities.

If you are prone to digestive issues or have a sensitive stomach, it’s advisable to start with a small serving size and monitor your body’s response.

Adjust the serving as needed and discontinue use if these symptoms persist.

Side Effects of RYZE Coffee – Final Thoughts

It’s important to note that the side effects mentioned above are not common and may only occur in specific individuals.

Many people consume Ryze Mushroom Coffee without experiencing any adverse effects.

However, it’s always best to listen to your body and make informed decisions based on your health needs and tolerances.

If you have any concerns or pre-existing health conditions, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Ryze Mushroom Coffee or any new dietary supplement into your routine.

They can provide personalized advice based on your individual circumstances and help you determine if Ryze Mushroom Coffee is a suitable choice for you.

RYZE Coffee Refund Policy

RYZE Mushroom Coffee has a refund policy that stands out for its strictness compared to other mushroom coffee brands in the market.

While many competitors, such as Om Mushroom Superfood or Laird Superfood, offer a standard 30-day window for refunds regardless of whether it’s your first or tenth purchase, RYZE’s policy differs.

Instead, RYZE only provides a 100% refund guarantee for your first subscription purchase from the company.

How to Initiate a Refund

To initiate the refund process, you need to contact RYZE’s customer service representative.

Failure to do so may lead to delays or a nullified refund. It’s important to note that repeat refund requests from the same customer are not permitted.

Refund Only Applies to Subscriptions

The “100% ‘LOVE-IT’ GUARANTEE” applies solely to first-time orders within a subscription.

To be eligible for a refund, you must notify RYZE within 30 days of purchase about your dissatisfaction, receive a prepaid return slip, ship the product back, and await the company’s acceptance of the returned package.

In the case of a one-time purchase, returns and refunds are unavailable.

RYZE does not issue refunds for purchases older than 30 days or for opened products with a broken seal.

Must be Returned to Receive a Refund

Once the returned product reaches the company warehouse, it undergoes inspection and evaluation.

It’s important to be aware that RYZE is not responsible for lost, stolen, misrouted, undelivered, or seized shipments.

Refunds for undelivered shipments are possible only if the product is rerouted and safely returned to the warehouse.

In the event that you receive a defective or damaged product, RYZE will provide a refund, but a 3% processing fee will still be charged.

For returns due to reasons other than damage, you are responsible for the original shipping cost, return cost, and an additional 3% processing fee.

Refunds for refused defective or damaged packages are only issued if the product safely returns to the warehouse.

The same conditions apply if you refuse an accidental duplicate order.

However, you will still be responsible for the original shipment costs, return shipping fees, and a 3% processing fee.

RYZE Mushroom Coffee Reviews – The Verdict

In conclusion, RYZE Mushroom Coffee offers a unique blend of organic coffee and medicinal mushrooms that has caught the attention of coffee lovers and health enthusiasts alike.

Upon reviewing various sources, it’s safe to suggest that RYZE Mushroom Coffee may provide potential health benefits such as improved brain function, boosted immunity, and increased energy levels.

However, it’s essential to consider that the taste might not be for everyone, and some individuals may experience allergic reactions or gastrointestinal discomfort.

Ultimately, as with any new product, it’s important to listen to your body and assess your tolerance before incorporating RYZE Coffee into your daily routine.

It’s clear that RYZE Mushroom Coffee has carved out a niche for itself in a competitive market and it will be exciting to see how it will continue to evolve and innovate as it grows in popularity.

Other Mushroom Coffee

Four Sigmatic

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee

  • Lion’s mane, chaga, rhodiola
  • Nutrient-rich

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee has gained a lot of popularity in recent years for its unique blend of high-quality coffee and organic mushrooms.

Health Benefits & Mental Clarity

The coffee grounds contain a special mixture of lion’s mane and chaga mushrooms, which are known to offer numerous health benefits.

Lion’s mane is said to improve mental clarity and focus while also supporting cognitive function, while chaga is believed to have antioxidant properties and may support the immune system.

The combination of coffee and mushrooms creates a delicious and flavorful beverage that is a healthy alternative to traditional coffee.

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee is compatible with most coffee makers and is available in a variety of blends, including instant coffee, ground coffee, and coffee pods.

While Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee offers several potential health benefits, it may not be for everyone.

Additionally, while the coffee may help to improve focus and cognitive function, it is not a substitute for medication, and individuals should consult with their healthcare provider before using this coffee to treat any specific condition.


Some people report that the taste takes some getting used to, as the addition of the mushrooms can create a slightly earthy flavor that may not be as enjoyable as traditional coffee for some drinkers.

Overall, Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee offers a unique and high-quality alternative to traditional coffee that may provide a variety of health benefits for those looking to incorporate more healthy foods into their diet.

Om Mushroom Superfood Coffee Blend

Om Mushroom Superfood Coffee

  • Lion’s mane, cordyceps, turkey tail
  • Contains caffeine

OM Mushroom Superfood Coffee Blend is a unique and innovative coffee blend that combines the rich flavor of coffee with the benefits of organic mushrooms.

This blend is formulated with a variety of functional mushrooms, including cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi, which are well-known for their potential health-promoting properties.

Cordyceps is believed to support energy and stamina, while lion’s mane may enhance cognitive function and focus.

Reishi is known for its potential immune-supporting properties. The combination of these mushrooms with the aromatic and robust taste of coffee creates a delightful experience that not only satisfies your coffee cravings but also provides potential health benefits.

OM Mushroom Superfood Coffee Blend is easy to prepare, making it a convenient choice for those who want to incorporate functional mushrooms into their daily routine.

It is important to note that while OM Mushroom Superfood Coffee Blend offers potential health benefits, individual results may vary.

Additionally, some users may find the taste of the blend different from traditional coffee due to the presence of mushrooms, and it may require some adjustment.

However, for those looking to add functional mushrooms to their daily routine in a convenient and delicious way, OM Mushroom Superfood Coffee Blend can be a great option to explore the benefits of these superfood mushrooms in a tasty and energizing coffee blend.

RYZE Alternatives: Wrapping Up

These alternative mushroom coffees offer a few options for individuals seeking a unique and health-conscious coffee experience outside of RYZE Mushroom coffee.

These alternatives provide distinct flavors, blends, and mushroom combinations, allowing users to explore different tastes and potential health benefits.

Whether you’re looking to enhance focus, support the immune system, or boost energy levels, there is a mushroom coffee available to suit various preferences and needs.

It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary with each alternative, as the taste and effects of mushroom coffees can differ.

Some people may prefer a milder coffee taste, while others may enjoy a more pronounced mushroom flavor.

Overall, with the growing trend of mushroom-infused coffees, exploring all available options can open up exciting possibilities for coffee enthusiasts seeking new flavors and potential health benefits.

Whether you choose to try a different brand or experiment with a variety of blends, mushroom coffees provide an intriguing twist to the classic cup of joe, allowing you to enjoy the goodness of mushrooms with or without your daily dose of caffeine.

RYZE Mushroom Coffee Overall Rating: Great

RYZE Mushroom Coffee Overall Rating: Great
85 100 0 1
RYZE Mushroom Coffee reviews highlight the potential health benefits of this unique blend, including improved brain function and boosted immunity. While taste preferences may vary, many users appreciate the distinct flavor, and for those without allergies, it offers a delightful and energizing experience.
RYZE Mushroom Coffee reviews highlight the potential health benefits of this unique blend, including improved brain function and boosted immunity. While taste preferences may vary, many users appreciate the distinct flavor, and for those without allergies, it offers a delightful and energizing experience.
Total Score
  • Flavor
    90/100 Amazing
    While the taste may be an acquired one, many users enjoy the distinct flavor profile of RYZE Mushroom Coffee, with the roasted coffee flavor well-balanced with the earthy and slightly nutty taste of mushrooms.
  • Health Benefits
    100/100 The best
    RYZE Mushroom Coffee offers potential health benefits due to the medicinal mushrooms included in the blend, such as improved cognitive function and boosted immunity, making it a popular choice among health-conscious consumers.
  • Cost
    70/100 Good
    Compared to some other coffee blends, RYZE Mushroom Coffee can be slightly more expensive, though it's still competitively priced given its unique ingredients and health benefits.
  • Availability
    80/100 Very good
    While not as readily available in stores as some more mainstream coffee options, RYZE Mushroom Coffee is still widely available and can be easily purchased online or through select retailers.