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Gorilla Mode Pre Workout Review – Raising the Bar on Performance

Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout is a potent supplement that delivers noticeable effects in terms of energy, focus, and performance during workouts. It is a reliable choice for individuals looking to take their training to the next level.

Experience a new level of intensity and focus with Gorilla Mode Pre Workout by Gorilla Mind.

This powerful supplement aims to unlock your full potential in the gym, providing an unparalleled energy boost and mental clarity.

With a carefully selected blend of ingredients and widespread positive feedback, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout has gained a reputation for delivering impressive results.

In this review, we will explore the effects, flavor, and overall effectiveness of this supplement, allowing you to make an informed decision about incorporating it into your fitness routine.

Get ready to elevate your performance to new heights with Gorilla Mode Pre Workout.

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout Reviews – What Customers Say

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout is a powerful supplement that aims to enhance your energy, focus, and endurance, enabling you to push yourself to new heights during your workouts.

But does it deliver on its promises? Let’s dive into the real reviews and find out.

Ingredient Profile

One of the most impressive aspects of Gorilla Mode Pre Workout is its ingredient profile.

Unlike many pre-workout supplements that rely heavily on caffeine and other stimulants, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout includes a range of natural ingredients that work together to deliver sustained energy and peak mental alertness.

Some key ingredients include:

  • L-citrulline – helps increase blood flow and reduce muscle fatigue
  • Huperzine A – enhances cognitive function and focus during workouts
  • Betaine anhydrous – improves body composition, muscular performance and strength
  • Agmatine sulfate – increases blood flow to muscles

In addition, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout also contains caffeine anhydrous, which provides an initial burst of energy.

Flavor and Mixability

One common concern among pre-workout users is the taste and mixability of their supplements.

Fortunately, users of Gorilla Mode Pre Workout have generally positive things to say about these factors.

Many reviewers note that the powder mixes well and doesn’t clump or leave a gritty texture, making it easy to drink.

As for flavor, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout offers a few different options, including “Strawberry Kiwi” and “Cotton Candy Grape.”

While taste preferences are subjective, the flavors are generally well-liked among reviewers.

Effects and Benefits

Of course, the most important factor when deciding whether to use a pre-workout supplement is how well it works.

And according to real reviews, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout delivers on its promises.

Users consistently report feeling more energized and focused during their workouts, allowing them to push harder and complete more sets or reps.

Many reviewers also note an improvement in endurance and a reduction in muscle fatigue, enabling them to work out for longer periods of time.

In addition, several users report experiencing improved mental clarity and cognitive function after taking Gorilla Mode Pre Workout.

This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle to focus during their workouts, as it can help keep them on task and enhance mind-muscle connection.

Cons and Drawbacks

While Gorilla Mind’s Gorilla Mode Pre Workout has many positive qualities, it’s not without its cons and drawbacks.

Caffeine Content – The Crash

One drawback for users is the caffeine content

While Gorilla Mode Pre Workout uses caffeine anhydrous to reduce jitters and crashes, some users may still find that the caffeine content is too high for their liking.

Additionally, some reviewers have noted that the “crash” after taking Gorilla Mode Pre Workout can be more pronounced than with other supplements.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Finally, a few users have reported gastrointestinal issues after taking Gorilla Mode Pre Workout, including stomach cramps and diarrhea.

However, these instances are relatively rare, and it’s unclear if the supplement is directly responsible for these symptoms.

Overall Sentiment: Positive

Overall, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout is a high-quality pre-workout supplement that delivers on its promises.

Reviews consistently praise its energy-boosting, focus-enhancing effects, and many users report seeing significant improvements in their workout performance.

While the price point may be a barrier for some, those who are willing to invest in their fitness routine may find that Gorilla Mode Pre Workout is worth the cost.

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout Ingredients

Key Ingredients

Caffeine anhydrous is a stimulant that may provide several benefits for working out.

Firstly, it can increase energy levels and combat fatigue, allowing individuals to train harder and longer during their workouts.

Secondly, caffeine anhydrous may improve focus and mental alertness, enabling users to maintain concentration and maximize performance.

Additionally, it has been shown to enhance fat oxidation, potentially aiding in weight loss and body composition goals.

Lastly, caffeine anhydrous has been found to enhance muscle strength and power output, making it a popular choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Agmatine sulfate is a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts due to its potential benefits for working out.

One of the most well-known benefits of agmatine sulfate is its ability to enhance nitric oxide production in the body, leading to increased blood flow to muscles during exercise.

This, in turn, may result in improved performance, endurance, and muscle pump. Agmatine sulfate has also been shown to possess analgesic properties, potentially reducing exercise-induced pain and fatigue.

Additionally, it may act as an antioxidant, protecting muscles from oxidative stress, and aiding in recovery.

Overall, agmatine sulfate is a useful supplement for individuals looking to improve their athletic performance, endurance, and recovery from exercise.

Citrulline is a popular supplement known for its potential benefits in enhancing exercise performance.

One of the primary advantages of citrulline is its ability to increase nitric oxide production in the body, leading to improved blood flow and vasodilation.

This increased blood flow can result in enhanced nutrient and oxygen delivery to the muscles, boosting endurance and reducing muscle fatigue during workouts.

Citrulline may also help with the removal of exercise-induced waste products like ammonia, supporting a more efficient workout.

Additionally, citrulline has been associated with improved muscle protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle growth and repair.

Overall, citrulline supplementation has the potential to improve exercise performance, increase muscle endurance, and support post-workout recovery.

N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine Citrate (also known as N,N-Dimethylphenethylamine Citrate or DMPEA) is a compound that has shown potential as a pre-workout supplement for enhancing exercise performance.

Some users report that DMPEA can provide a boost in energy levels and improve focus, allowing for increased intensity and motivation during workouts.

While there is limited scientific research available on the specific effects of DMPEA in humans, anecdotal evidence suggests that it may contribute to improved endurance, enhanced mind-muscle connection, and increased overall workout performance.

Betaine anhydrous has been found to offer several benefits for working out.

Research suggests that betaine may increase creatine availability, potentially leading to improved exercise performance and body composition.

Additionally, betaine has been associated with reduced fatigue and increased protein production.

It can also increase the synthesis of creatine, a compound that provides energy to muscle cells.

Furthermore, betaine may have a protective role in preserving myocardial function and reducing oxidant stress.

These properties make betaine anhydrous a potentially valuable supplement for individuals looking to enhance their workout performance, increase protein synthesis, and support overall health and muscle gain.

Kanna, also referred to as Sceletium tortuosum, is a succulent plant known commonly as the “stress and anxiety plant.”

It has been used traditionally in South Africa as a natural mood elevator and to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.

While there is limited research conducted on Kanna’s potential benefits for workout performance, some anecdotal evidence suggests that it can provide some benefits.

People who use Kanna for working out report feeling more focused, alert, and motivated during their training sessions, leading to potentially increased exercise intensity and endurance.

Kanna’s potential advantages may be attributed to its effects on the brain’s serotonin system, which may influence mood, motivation, as well as appetite and sleep.

However, more scientific research is needed to determine its specific effects on exercise performance and the safety of its use.

Tyrosine is a type of amino acid that plays a crucial role in the human body.

It is involved in the production of several key neurotransmitters, including dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, which help regulate mood, attention, motivation, and stress response.

While limited specific research has been conducted on the benefits of tyrosine for working out, evidence suggests that it may positively affect exercise performance.

Due to its effect on brain function, taking tyrosine before a workout may enhance focus and reduce mental fatigue, making it easier to maintain optimal performance.

Furthermore, tyrosine could reduce the stress response triggered by intense exercise, leading to faster post-workout recovery.

However, the specific mechanisms of how tyrosine affects exercise performance still require further scientific investigation.

Creatine monohydrate is a widely researched and highly regarded supplement for enhancing workout performance.

It is a naturally occurring compound that is found in small amounts in meat and fish.

When taken as a supplement, creatine monohydrate increases the body’s stores of phosphocreatine, which is used to rapidly produce energy during high-intensity exercise.

By increasing the availability of phosphocreatine, creatine monohydrate can enhance strength and power output, allowing for more intense and productive workouts.

It may also contribute to an increase in muscle mass and overall athletic performance.

Additionally, creatine monohydrate has been shown to support quicker recovery times and reduce muscle damage and inflammation associated with intense exercise.

This popular supplement is well-tolerated by most individuals and is considered safe when taken within recommended dosage guidelines.

It can be particularly beneficial for individuals involved in high-intensity, short-duration activities, such as weightlifting and sprinting.

Huperzine A is a compound derived from a type of clubmoss plant and is often used as a dietary supplement to support cognitive function.

While its specific effects on exercise performance are not extensively researched, there is anecdotal evidence suggesting potential benefits for working out.

Huperzine A is believed to increase levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter associated with learning, memory, and muscle contractions.

This may lead to improved focus, concentration, and mind-muscle connection during workouts, allowing for more effective training sessions.

Additionally, huperzine A’s potential ability to enhance neuroprotection and reduce oxidative stress might contribute to better overall brain health and function, potentially resulting in improved athletic performance.

Bioperine, a patented extract made from black pepper, contains piperine, a natural compound that has been shown to enhance nutrient absorption and support a range of health benefits.

While scientific research on Bioperine’s specific benefits for working out is limited, it has been suggested that Bioperine may help increase the bioavailability of other nutrients and enhance the absorption of amino acids and antioxidants that support muscle maintenance and recovery.

Furthermore, some studies suggest that Bioperine may be beneficial for reducing inflammation, which could contribute to a quicker post-workout recovery time.

Overall, incorporating Bioperine into a supplement regimen may be a valuable addition for athletes and fitness enthusiasts in promoting better absorption of nutrients and potentially improving workout recovery.

Malic acid is a naturally occurring compound found in many fruits and vegetables.

It plays a role in the body’s energy production process, the Krebs cycle, and is essential for a variety of biological functions.

While the evidence regarding its use for exercising is limited, some research suggests that malic acid, in conjunction with magnesium, may improve exercise performance and reduce muscle soreness.

Additionally, malic acid is believed to support muscle recovery by helping remove toxins and waste products associated with exercise.

It has also been suggested that malic acid could support the maintenance of healthy ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) levels during exercise, lowering the risk of fatigue and exhaustion.

Where Can I Buy Gorilla Mode Pre Workout?

You can typically purchase Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout directly from the official Gorilla Mind website or through authorized retailers that stock the product.

It is advisable to visit the official Gorilla Mind website to check for availability and locate authorized sellers.

Additionally, other online retailers or supplement stores may carry Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout, so it can be helpful to search for trusted vendors in your region.

Remember to verify the authenticity and reputation of the seller before making a purchase.

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout

  • Intense focus
  • Huge nitric oxide pump

Gorilla Mode Compared to Competitors

When comparing Gorilla Mode Pre Workout to its competitors, it offers a standout formulation that sets it apart.

While Gorilla Mode provides a balanced pre-workout experience with a serving size of 15.4g and 2.5g of creatine, it is important to note that other competitors may offer a broader ingredient spectrum with additional benefits.

However, Gorilla Mode stands out as a better option for pumps due to its doubling up on pump ingredients.

It is recommended for beginners and offers 11 flavor options.

Overall, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout delivers maximum dosages of proven effective pre-workout ingredients and has received positive ratings across the board.

Price per 40 servings
Gorilla Mode$50
Redcon1 Total War$47
RYSE Godzilla$53
Bucked Up$60
Ghost Legend$72

How to Use Gorilla Mode Pre Workout

To use Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout, it is recommended to mix 1-2 scoops of the powder formula with 8-12 ounces of water and consume 15 to 30 minutes before beginning your workout.

Start with 1 scoop and gradually increase the dosage once you’ve assessed your tolerance levels.

It is not recommended to exceed more than three scoops in a 24-hour period.

Timing the consumption of the supplement allows for optimal nutrient absorption and utilization, potentially enhancing physical performance.

Additionally, as Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout contains caffeine and other stimulants, it is essential to avoid consuming other sources of caffeine or stimulants to prevent overstimulation of the central nervous system.

Always read the label carefully and consult your healthcare professional before use.

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout Benefits

Below are some of the benefits of Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout.

Boosts Energy and Endurance

One of the primary benefits of Gorilla Mode Pre Workout is its ability to increase energy levels.

By combining a blend of ingredients, including stimulants and focus-enhancing compounds, Gorilla Mode Pre Workout provides a potent source of energy that can help individuals push harder and perform at their best during intense exercise.

The formula of Gorilla Mode is designed to increase nitric oxide levels, intramuscular hydration, and focus, all of which contribute to improved endurance and performance.

Users have reported feeling a noticeable increase in energy levels that allows them to sustain their workout intensity for longer periods, leading to enhanced endurance.

Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout contains a high dose of caffeine, which can help reduce fatigue and improve focus.

Additionally, the supplement also contains other ingredients, such as citrulline, that have been shown to help increase endurance and delay muscle fatigue.

Enhances Pump and Blood Flow

Gorilla Mode pre-workout is specifically formulated to enhance pump and blood flow during workouts.

It contains ingredients known for their vasodilatory effects, such as citrulline malate and agmatine sulfate, which help to widen the blood vessels and increase blood flow to the muscles.

This promotes a greater delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles, resulting in a more pronounced pump and improved muscle performance.

The increased blood flow also aids in removing waste products, such as lactic acid, from the muscles, delaying fatigue and allowing for longer, more intense training sessions.

Users of Gorilla Mode often report experiencing a noticeable increase in vascularity and muscle fullness, which can contribute to a better overall workout experience.

One of the key ingredients, betaine oxide, helps promote the synthesis of creatine in the body, a compound that plays a crucial role in energy production and muscle function.

By increasing creatine levels, betaine anhydrous may enhance muscular strength, allowing for greater power output and performance in activities such as weightlifting, sprinting, or high-intensity workouts.

Additionally, betaine anhydrous has been suggested to improve muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle damage, further supporting its potential to enhance strength and power.

Increases Strength and Power Output

Gorilla Mode pre-workout is formulated to improve strength and power during workouts.

It contains ingredients that enhance nitric oxide levels, intramuscular hydration, energy, and focus, resulting in a significant boost in muscle strength and endurance.

By maximizing pump, performance, and mental focus, Gorilla Mode can help individuals push harder during weightlifting or endurance training, leading to increased strength and power output.

Additionally, the carefully selected ingredients in Gorilla Mode work together to enhance energy levels and muscle endurance, further contributing to improved workout performance.

Improves Focus and Cognitive Function

Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout contains a unique combination of caffeine and huperzine a, which work together to improve cognitive function, memory, and focus.

Caffeine can improve physical performance and mental focus by stimulating the central nervous system and increasing the body’s ability to burn fat.

Huperzine A is a cognitive enhancer that can improve focus and memory retention, both of which can be beneficial during exercise.

Supports Hydration

Gorilla Mode pre-workout contains ingredients that support hydration during workouts.

One such ingredient is betaine anhydrous, which has been shown to aid in intramuscular hydration by increasing the water content within muscle cells.

By promoting optimal hydration, Gorilla Mode helps to improve exercise performance and endurance, as proper hydration is essential for maintaining bodily functions and preventing dehydration-related fatigue.

Staying properly hydrated during workouts can enhance muscle function, recovery, and overall workout performance.

Dehydration can limit workout performance, affect overall strength and endurance and may lead to a host of health-related concerns.

By promoting proper hydration, Gorilla Mode helps to prevent related issues from arising, ultimately improving workout performance.

Contributes to Muscle Maintenance and Recovery

Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout uses several ingredients that may help prevent muscle soreness and promote recovery.

For example, L-citrulline helps to improve nutrient delivery by increasing blood flow, facilitating enhanced muscle repair and recovery.

Additionally, creatine is popular for its ability to improve mayability and reduce muscle fatigue, thus hastening recovery times between sessions.

Other ingredients, like betaine, can help to reduce inflammation, accelerates muscle repair, and contribute to better muscle performance during subsequent workouts.

Gorilla Mode Benefits – The Verdict

Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout is a powerful formulation of ingredients designed to help enhance your physical performance, energy levels, cognitive function, and muscle repair and recovery.

Each ingredient is carefully chosen and backed by scientific research, making it an ideal pre-workout supplement.

Although it may not be suitable for everybody, specific pre-existing medical conditions – Gorilla Mode has proven to be a trusted, legal and effective supplement for those looking to enhance their workout performance.

As always, it’s recommended that you speak to a healthcare professional before taking any new dietary supplement to ensure it won’t have any unwanted side effects.

Why is Gorilla Mode Not FDA Approved?

Gorilla Mode pre-workout is not FDA approved because it falls under the category of dietary supplements, which are not subject to FDA approval in the same way that pharmaceutical drugs are.

The FDA does not evaluate or regulate dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed to consumers.

Instead, supplement manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their products and are required to comply with certain labeling and manufacturing regulations.

While Gorilla Mode and other pre-workout supplements are widely used and may contain ingredients that have been studied for their potential benefits, the absence of FDA approval means that there is a lack of official oversight and regulation specific to these products.

As a result, it’s important for individuals to research and use these products with caution, following recommended dosage guidelines and consulting with healthcare professionals when necessary.

Drawbacks of Gorilla Mode Pre Workout

While Gorilla Mode pre-workout offers various benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks and limitations.

Here are some key points to keep in mind.

Stimulant Content and Sensitivity

Gorilla Mode contains stimulants like caffeine and other energy-boosting compounds, which can greatly enhance energy and focus during workouts.

However, individuals with caffeine sensitivity or those who are not accustomed to high levels of stimulants may experience undesirable effects such as jitters, restlessness, or difficulty sleeping.

It’s crucial to be mindful of personal tolerance and assess individual sensitivity before using Gorilla Mode.

Potential for Dependency

Pre-workout supplements like Gorilla Mode often provide an intense energy boost that can become mentally and physically addictive for some individuals.

This dependence can lead to an increased reliance on supplements and difficulty performing at the same level without them.

It’s important to use pre-workouts sparingly and not rely solely on supplements for energy and motivation.

Building sustainable habits and maintaining a balanced approach to training is crucial for long-term success.

Ingredient Sensitivities and Allergies

Gorilla Mode is formulated with various ingredients, including plant extracts and herbal supplements that some individuals may have sensitivities or allergies to.

It is essential to carefully review the ingredient list and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any known allergies or sensitivities.

They can help you determine if the supplement is suitable for your specific needs and health conditions.

Individual Variation and Response

Every individual’s body and physiology are unique, leading to variations in how they respond to supplements.

While Gorilla Mode may deliver significant benefits for some, others may not experience the same effects or may even have adverse reactions.

It is important to listen to your body, monitor any changes, and discontinue use if you experience any negative side effects.

Cost and Availability

Gorilla Mode pre-workout is a premium supplement that may come at a higher price point compared to other pre-workout options on the market.

Additionally, availability can be limited, and it may not be easily accessible in all regions or countries.

These factors should be taken into account when considering the overall value and convenience of using Gorilla Mode.

Not a Substitute for a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s crucial to remember that pre-workout supplements like Gorilla Mode are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.

While they can provide temporary energy and performance enhancements, they should be used in conjunction with a well-rounded approach to fitness and nutrition.

Prioritizing balanced meals, adequate sleep, hydration, and regular exercise remains essential for optimal performance and overall well-being.

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout Drawbacks – Final Points

In conclusion, while Gorilla Mode pre-workout offers numerous benefits for individuals looking to enhance their workouts, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks and limitations.

Sensitivities, potential dependencies, ingredient sensitivities, and cost are factors that should be carefully evaluated.

Ultimately, choosing the right pre-workout supplement and adopting a holistic approach to fitness can help maximize results and promote sustainable habits in the long term.

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout Alternatives

Redcon1 Total War Pre Workout

Total War Pre Workout 30 servings

  • Unstoppable power
  • Professional grade formula

Total War Pre Workout is a powerful and effective supplement for enhancing workout performance.

With its carefully selected ingredients, it provides a potent boost of energy, focus, and endurance, allowing users to push through intense training sessions.

The blend of caffeine, beta-alanine, and citrulline malate delivers a noticeable surge in energy, heightened mental clarity, and increased muscle pumps.

The product also features transparent labeling, which helps users understand the exact dosages of each ingredient.

However, it’s important to note that the strong stimulant content may not be suitable for individuals sensitive to caffeine or those with underlying health conditions.

Overall, Total War Pre Workout is a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts seeking an intensified workout experience.

RYSE Godzilla Pre Workout

RYSE Godzilla Pre-Workout 40 servings

  • Enhanced performance
  • Increased endurance

RYSE Godzilla Pre Workout is a powerful and effective supplement designed to enhance energy, focus, and performance during workouts.

With its carefully selected ingredients, including creatine monohydrate, citrulline malate, caffeine, and beta-alanine, Godzilla Pre-Workout delivers a potent combination of energy and endurance boosters.

The caffeine provides a noticeable energy surge, while citrulline malate promotes optimal blood flow and muscle pump.

The addition of beta-alanine helps reduce fatigue and delay muscle fatigue during intense exercise.

Meanwhile, creatine monohydrate supports strength and power output. The formula is well-rounded and delivers consistent results.

However, individuals sensitive to caffeine or those looking for a stimulant-free option may want to consider alternative pre-workout supplements.

Overall, RYSE Godzilla Pre Workout may be an excellent choice for those seeking an energizing and performance-enhancing supplement to maximize their workouts.

Ghost Legend Pre Workout

Ghost Legend Pre Workout 25 servings

  • Energy & focus formula
  • Total Transparency

Ghost Pre Workout is a highly acclaimed supplement that has gained a loyal following among fitness enthusiasts.

With its well-crafted formula and impressive performance-enhancing benefits, it delivers on its promises.

Users rave about the intense surge of energy it provides, allowing them to push through even the toughest workouts.

The enhanced focus and endurance experienced while using Ghost Pre Workout enables users to stay in the zone and maximize their training sessions.

Additionally, the supplement delivers an intense muscle pump, leading to improved performance and noticeable gains.

With a range of delicious flavors and positive reviews, Ghost Pre Workout is a top choice for anyone looking to elevate their workout experience and achieve their fitness goals.

Bucked Up Pre Workout

Bucked Up Pre Workout 30 servings

  • Promote strength & endurance
  • Mental focus

Users have been raving about the potent performance-enhancing benefits of Bucked Up pre-workout.

Its powerful formula, which includes Citrulline, Beta-Alanine, and Deer Antler Velvet, provides users with an exceptional combination of increased energy, focus, and endurance.

One of the most notable benefits of this pre-workout supplement is the sudden surge of energy that users experience shortly after taking it, resulting in increased intensity and motivation during workouts.

Another great feature of Bucked Up pre-workout is its range of delicious flavors, including Blue Raz and Watermelon, which help make the workout experience more enjoyable.

Overall, Bucked Up pre-workout is a top pick among fitness enthusiasts due to its ability to deliver an effective boost of energy and focus.

Gorilla Mode Overall Rating: Very Good

Gorilla Mode Overall Rating: Very Good
80 100 0 1
Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout is a potent supplement that delivers a significant energy boost and enhances focus during workouts. With a combination of stimulants and performance-enhancing ingredients, it provides the motivation and stamina needed for intense training sessions.
Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout is a potent supplement that delivers a significant energy boost and enhances focus during workouts. With a combination of stimulants and performance-enhancing ingredients, it provides the motivation and stamina needed for intense training sessions.
Total Score
  • Energy Boost
    90/100 Amazing
    Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout delivers a substantial energy boost to help power through intense training sessions. Its caffeine content and other stimulants provide noticeable effects in terms of focus, alertness, and motivation.
  • Strength & Power
    80/100 Very good
    With the addition of creatine monohydrate, Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout supports strength and power output during workouts. It may help increase muscle ATP production to promote better performance and recovery.
  • Endurance & Muscle Pump
    80/100 Very good
    The inclusion of citrulline malate in the formula of Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout supports optimal blood flow and muscle pump during training sessions. Moreover, beta-alanine helps in reducing muscle fatigue and increase endurance.
  • Value for Money
    70/100 Good
    Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout is a premium supplement and comes at a higher price point compared to other options on the market. Additionally, availability can be limited.